Mario Kart Shells - 3D PRINTABLE STATUES

Mario Kart Shells - 3D PRINTABLE STATUES 3D print model


You will get the STL files for these model specifically made to print on a 3D Printer. It is all fully chopped up into 9 parts and ready to import into your favourite 3D printer software such as Lychee or Chitubox

This model has been 3d printed by myself and fully tested on a resin printer. all assets should fit together perfectly as long they are properly supported.

SCALE: I designed this to be printed with a final height of between 3.5 inches to 5 inches, depending on the shell you print

if you run into any issues please reach out and I will see if I can help troubleshoot your issues.

License Type : Editorial You may use the material for non-commercial and personal purposes (No commercial purposes).

Reselling STL file is Prohibited!

Koop912024-08-22 23:55:45 UTC
Hello, is it possible to print this into 1:1 scale?
ThunderWorkshop2024-08-23 05:22:30 UTC
Il take a look at the file for you in the morning and double check the fidelity. The models I make tend to have pretty dense wire frames for resin printing so I have a feeling it should be fine. But I will double check for you.
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Mario Kart Shells - 3D PRINTABLE STATUES
Editorial No Ai License 
Mario Kart Shells - 3D PRINTABLE STATUES
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 94% in 4.7h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (9 files)745 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2023-06-11
  • Model ID#4130310