Kirby, the beloved pink hero from Nintendo, has expanded beyond video games to become an icon in television as well. The series Kirby: Right Back at Ya! brought the character to TV screens in 2001. This animated adaptation showcased Kirby’s adventures in Dream Land, where he protected his home from monsters and threats, alongside memorable characters like King Dedede and Meta Knight. The show emphasized Kirby’s bravery, cuteness, and his famous ability to inhale and mimic opponents’ powers, all with humor and charm.
Throughout the series, Kirby was often depicted in everyday, peaceful moments, particularly when he would fall asleep, highlighting his most adorable and serene side. This image of Kirby sleeping became a symbol of sweetness and relaxation, cherished by fans of all ages.
For those who love Kirby and want to bring a bit of that charm to their setup, we present our Kirby sleeping keycap. Compatible with Cherry MX switches, this piece not only beautifies your keyboard but also adds a touch of nostalgia and affection for this iconic character.
Download the STL file, 3D print it, and personalize your keyboard with the tranquility and cuteness of Kirby in his most peaceful moment.
Thank you for your support and if you have any questions about the design, do not hesitate to contact me :) here or on instagram @smile_keycaps
Impression made in resin with the Elegoo Mars pro 2 Layer Height: 0.05mm Bottom Layer count: 6 exposure Time: 3s Bottom Exposure Time: 45s
Anti-Aliasing: enable Grey Level: 2 Imagen Blur: 2