John Wick 3d bust

John Wick 3d bust 3D print model


John Wick printable 3D bust.

Ideal file to paint the bust when printed.Easy to scale upto 400% (= 20cm high)without loose of quality.High detailed head with the scars on the face.

STL file

GAF2018-09-12 18:36:57 UTC
marcart2018-09-22 11:50:26 UTC
Thank you !
Item rating
0 1
NovaStudio2019-01-29 02:04:57 UTC
Not Recommended
pictures doesnt show the real quality of the model, is oversaturated of "texture" so much that skin seems like grinded meat... it perhaps work after paint and a lot of work, but i wont print this one, is a waste of material... it helps a lot if a real render pictures was posted, the ones in slicer dosent show the real quality of the model hair is dinamyc and looks good, beard not so much head is not symetrical and the eyelids have a very weird shape
John Wick 3d bust
Editorial No Ai License 
John Wick 3d bust
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 22% in 48.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)146 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2018-09-12
  • Model ID#994309
  • Ready for 3D Printing