Hive-City Guard Rough Rider Squad

Hive-City Guard Rough Rider Squad 3D print model


A multipart infantry squad including torsos, arms, heads and accessories for use in 28mm heroic scale sci-fi wargaming. Includes 4 variations of bike-mounted torsos, 6 heads as well as several variations for sergeants, arms and handlebars for each torsos, 4 arm positions wielding 3 different types of lances, accessories including scabbards, pistol and lasgun holsters and grenades, multiple special weapons and close combat weapons.

All models come pre supported for resin printing. Images show models assembled and presupported stl's.

NOTE: The lances previewed are slightly different to the ones in the files as shown by the 3D examples.

Item rating
1 0
joshuaschnepp20002022-12-29 13:06:14 UTC
These Hive City models are quite good; a modern reinterpretation of some of the more classic guard molds. Print quite well.
Hive-City Guard Rough Rider Squad
Custom License 
Hive-City Guard Rough Rider Squad
Custom License 
Response 80% in 37.6h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)191 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-03-16
  • Model ID#3644681
  • Ready for 3D Printing