balmungfuruya2022-04-25 01:36:23 UTCWhile not my favorite ganyu model, it's one of the better ones out there. I do really like that the artist includes the zbrush files, makes it a lot easier to remerge them to print in a single piece at smaller scales. I highly recommend his work
amadeous12022-04-16 00:03:36 UTCPrinted and assembled fine. Very nice model

sircraftsman2022-03-06 01:44:46 UTCExcellent work. By the way, is there a chance that you can model some other Genshin Impact character soon as Keqing in his default suit, Yanfei or Shen he? I would be willing to continue buying your models. And another question: What is the scale that corresponds to the STL and OBJ formats? Thank you for your reply.

kurosaki24032021-12-26 00:14:10 UTCGenerally a good model. From a figure painter perspective I would preffer better parting (separate clothes and pieces etc.) not only "if it prints it's ok" one, I would advise checking on Resin Kits to see what I mean. And generally I feel base is too thick and heavy, I preffer to avoid hollowing and printing it that way would take over 500ml of resin according to Lychee, also I would preffer crystals to be separate to print them in clear. So maybe please keep this in mind for next designs.