This started as the wife for my Frost Giant Jarl, but quickly turned into a pinup of a spell caster. I have two versions included, the original with textures in .blend, .obj, .glb and .3mf, all of which are lower poly but render nicely under the correct settings (see previews), and the 2nd version which is the higher poly meant for 3d print. This is not for 3d printing novices! This is a very fine detail model which can print nicely on a HQ printer (tested and it prints) but will likely fail at smaller scales. I originally intended this for 28mm tabletop gameplay, a large mini to print at 54mm or larger. Again, with a good quality printer you should be able to print this for tabletop at a giant scale of 54mm or larger.... or, print in pieces at a larger scale if you just want a figurine. I included a cut version for this purpose.