Frieza - Tribute statue

Frieza - Tribute statue 3D print model


Final Form Frieza - Tribute statue (Artist interpretation) Exported into 1/4 scale body parts. Designed for 3D hobby printing.


  • Optimized parts for 3D resin printing (Hollowed + drain holes).
  • Solid parts (not hollow) are also included in case you want to have full control over the optimization.
  • Lychee slicer files (with supports and fixes) - Parts are downscaled by 60% - 1/6.66 scale (To fit smaller resin printers).
  • pwmo files - Exported from Lychee Slicer
  • pwmo files - Exported from UV Tools

Content is my own interpretation of what the character would look like in a real world. My aim was to find the balance between screen-accuracy and realism. If you like my work, please consider leaving a review. It could help me out a great deal. Thanks!

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Frieza - Tribute statue
Custom License 
Frieza - Tribute statue
Custom License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)347 MB
  • Autodesk Maya (.ma, .mb)235 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-07-13
  • Model ID#4634119
  • Ready for 3D Printing