Cloud strife crisis core Final Fantasy 32mm Pre-supported

Cloud strife crisis core Final Fantasy 32mm Pre-supported 3D print model


Designed for 3d printing. STL file is 32mm scale. Pre-supported.

LYS file for Lychee slicer, pre-supported STL and normal STL.

License: Private Use Only, Non Commercial and No Derivatives.

Cloud Strife is the protagonist of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. He also appears in the spin-off games of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII as a supporting character, including Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII- and Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-.

An arrogant and proud swordsman at first, Cloud introduces himself to Avalanche as a former member of an elite warrior unit called SOLDIER who has turned mercenary, and uninterested in anything beyond his hired task at hand. Beneath his hardened outer persona is a softer, more caring individual who simply struggles to open up, but is striving to be a hero. Cloud later discovers more about his past and, with the help of his friends, learns there is more to being a hero than possessing physical strength and fame. He develops compassion for the planet and the people he fights to protect from the Shinra Electric Power Company and his nemesis, Sephiroth.

Cloud Strife wields large broadswords in battle, including the iconic Buster Sword, and is a versatile melee combatant. In Final Fantasy VII, he has access to the most powerful weapons in the game, as well as the strongest Limit abilities (all of which involve his sword), though they take the longest to learn. In Final Fantasy VII Remake, Cloud's strength is in his raw damage output and his versatility, able to switch back-and-forth between the agile Operator Mode and the more offensive Punisher Mode that allows him to counterattack. In both titles, Cloud has the best all-around stats.

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Cloud strife crisis core Final Fantasy 32mm Pre-supported
Editorial No Ai License 
Cloud strife crisis core Final Fantasy 32mm Pre-supported
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 99% in 26.4h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)78.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2022-09-14
  • Model ID#3989174