Ernie started as a child with psychic powers of foresight and telepathy. His parents didn't understand him and feared him. After his parents were in a car crash they feared him even more, and life grew worse for Ernie. He was sent to a psychiatrist Dr. Leonard Price. Who used his Dream Probe machine. Ernie met Lady Death and wanted to be with her, which by her words were possible if all mankind was dead. He killed 12 people and his parents and was sent to mental institute. Second use of the same machine by Mary Young killed Ernie and brought him back as Evil Ernie.
Model is exported at 1/6th scale and cut & keyed.
Biobreed models are handmade assets per model with no compromise to quality using heavily rebashed or dressed up repurposed/established models or stolen 3D assets. BIOBREED STUDIOS insures every piece gets the attention to detail that it deserves and that hobbyist are protected and getting a truly unique artistic piece and not a heavily kitbashed figure. Availabe only on CG and GR, anywhere else it's a stolen/pirated asset!