Boosk Cartoon Star Wars

Boosk Cartoon Star Wars 3D print model


Bossk, also known as Bossk'wassak'Cradossk, was a male Trandoshan bounty hunter and the son of Cradossk who was known for hunting Wookiees. During the Clone Wars, Bossk worked alongside fellow hunters Aurra Sing and Castas to mentor the orphaned Boba Fett. Their scheme to kill Fett's hated enemy Mace Windu resulted in Fett and Bossk's arrest. After a stint in prison, Bossk worked in Krayt's Claw, Fett's syndicate of bounty hunters, taking jobs for clients including Otua Blank on Quarzite and, later into the war, worked for their former companion from the Quarzite mission Asajj Ventress to help free Quinlan Vos from Serenno.After the rise of the Empire, Bossk continued to be one of the biggest names in the bounty hunting business despite eventually drifting

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Boosk Cartoon Star Wars
Royalty Free License 
Boosk Cartoon Star Wars
Royalty Free License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (9 files)2.48 GB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-01-28
  • Model ID#4247338
  • Ready for 3D Printing