Hello all,Here is a batman inspired by Frank Miller work .It's a 35 cm tall very detailled Statue !Scale : 1/8.You can do like me and put a light system on it ( spot with 6 cm diameter is perfect ).You will need clear resin.But you can also print it without light system ( 2 versions in the STL files )*
STL tested and cleaned ( with 3D builder ).2 Heads variations !5 logos variations on the bat signal !2 sizes for the base , with the bigger ( base.stl ) tje statue is 35 cm tall .Enjoy printing !!
*for light system use light_hole.stl ( clear resin ) and spot_bottom_hole.stl : the hole is for your cable !for no light system , please print light.stl and spot_bottom.stl ( with no hole )
link of my lighting system ( it's a basic spot light with diameter 6 cm ) https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/32996144808.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.11966c375HJpWU
** Added splited ( sliced ) version of the base ( 5 parts) and cape ( 2 parts), for casual resin printers ( like Anycubic mono SE, photo and Elegoo Mars ) To allow you to print at 100 % scale !!