the15thgamer2021-10-26 23:59:24 UTCExcellent model, easy print and a great gift.
danny-mulders2021-08-10 22:58:08 UTCVery nice model with insane detail! I am currently printing the parts on an Anycubic Photon S.
Some feedback:
-Some of the parts do not fit together without slight modification. The alignment pegs all appear to be exactly the same size as the holes, so in the software these surfaces overlap. For 3D printing, you need to keep a tiny space as tolerance, because otherwise there will be seams between the parts due to the parts not fitting all the way in.
-Also, the neck part tapers out at the bottom, meaning it cannot fit through the scarf. If you put the head in the correct spot in the software it fits, but you cannot get the head into position in reality because it cannot squeeze through. The top of the head that goes inside the hat seems a bit too tall, not allowing the hat to touch the top of the hairline, thus leaving a gap.
All of this can be manually corrected with some sandpaper though, so not too big of a deal.
-The ingame model shows quite distinctive damage to the back of Arthur's jacket, this model misses this detail. It does feature some damage to the boots which I'm not sure the ingame model has...
-The whole model has been split in smaller parts to facilitate 3D printing, but the Back, Saddle, and front parts of the horse are still too big to fit on most standard resin printers. This is something for people to be aware of before buying or trying to print. I have to manually split the model up further.
All in all still a very nice model and I can't wait to paint it.