2b - Nier Automata

2b - Nier Automata 3D print model


2b - Nier Automata - 3D print model

Scale Options:

  • 1/10 Scale Figure
  • 75mm Scale (Miniature)


  • Pre-supported files: stl, chitubox (mars & saturn)
  • Unsupported STL format
  • High-Quality Render Images: JPG format

By purchasing, you'll get the STL file for 3d printing. You can visit our other social media pages; Nomnom Figuresfor more updates and latest releases per month with lower prices, and perks!Test printed on resin printers.

maksimdani02023-11-04 15:32:24 UTC
brandzbybriggz2023-02-03 05:12:17 UTC
Love it!!!
8sianDude2023-01-28 05:02:25 UTC
ainaritxu142022-11-30 12:54:36 UTC
pong29supakit2022-11-27 13:54:45 UTC
Item rating
7 0
shroomlusion2024-04-01 01:48:16 UTC
Absolutely love it, printing the effects in clear now, can't wait to finish it.
k10912024-01-08 05:05:09 UTC
Nix20032023-02-20 21:11:37 UTC
1. Few pre-supported STL needs to be repaired to slice in Laychee, but no big deal. Able to print all the parts with the pre-supported file in Mono X without failure. 2. Oustanding details in parts, and easy to paint each part if you want, very friendly for a noob like myself. 3. I really wish the skirt and bottom were separate parts, so easier to sand and paint. Also standing support for Pod would be great. Overall, 10/10 would purchase from NomNom again.
michuo-de34602022-12-30 07:36:32 UTC
evansisler2022-12-30 01:21:02 UTC
The print turned out great! I printed mine off the Elegoo Mars 3 pro, at the 75mm scale. I used the pre-supported files but added a few extra supports myself. I used Elegoo's Ceramic Grey water washable resin. I used the Mercury 2-in-1 to clean & cure the prints. I am really new to 3d printing and it worked like a charm. Really looking forward to painting it up! Pros: The sculpt is dynamic and extremely well detailed. So many of the Nier inspired scuplts are super sexualized (to each their own), but this one is fairly tame, super detailed, and really cool. I think it does a great job representing how cool the character can be, rather than just being a pin-up. The base is really interesting, 2b looks great, her swords print amazing. I had no issues with the pre-supports when printing. The file comes in different formats, and is easy to edit and add extra supports if you'd like. There are multiple sizing options which is great for someone like me who wants a small desk-top model, but someone else might like something bigger. The files are also well named and well organized. I know it's a minor thing, but it really does make the process of going from download to print much more enjoyable to have an organized download rather than a jumbled mess of randomly named files. The print didn't use too much resin and seemed fairly well optimized for printing, but i'm a beginner so i'm no expert. Because i got the file on sale it was only about 17$, with the cost of resin it was likely under 20$ for the entire thing (I didn't keep exact track because I jammed some other stuff on the build-plate as well), which compared to trying to buy an official model is much cheaper. Cons: The pre-supports are really thick. In some ways this is good because it's less likely to fail, but they were slightly challenging to remove and left a good few bumps on the model. It might be nicer to have more lighter supports than the heavy ones.They were especially prominent on the swords. Because the pieces are so fine, it's a little difficult to sand & clip them down for fear of breaking them. This is likely less of an issue on the larger scale sculpt where it would be less noticable. The base of the model printed slightly warped, likely due to the logo & large flat surface. Again, nothing that can't be sanded down with some care. I do wonder if the base were hollow on the bottom if it would'be printed easier & taken slightly less resin. Lastly, at the 75mm scale some of Pods prints are just so tiny & break really easily. Its hands are almost indistinguishable from the support, and one tore off while removing the parts. I was able to super glue it back, but because the model is so fine it was difficult. Overal: A really great print, and i'm so glad it's one of the first ones I purchased. The only issues I had can all be fixed in post-processing with some files and attention to detail. Thank you for the great model. Easily a 9/10 or 10/10 purchase.
2b - Nier Automata
Custom No Ai License 
2b - Nier Automata
Custom No Ai License 
Response 90% in 12.4h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)648 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-10-05
  • Model ID#4022165
  • Ready for 3D Printing