28MM Unarmored Ancient Celtic Warriors

28MM Unarmored Ancient Celtic Warriors 3D print model


This pack will allow you to raise your own Celtic Horde to sack Rome or Delphi.

The models are scaled to 28mm and are multipart which will help give you the most customisable options in order to construct this force.

The weapon options include:

  • Axes
  • Bows and Arrows
  • Burda Club
  • Carnyx Horn
  • Javelins
  • Both one and two handed Dacian Faux swords (these were added as per a friend's request, unfortunately I'm unsure how historically accurate they'd look with the torso and head options.)Scian Daggers
  • Slings
  • Spears
  • Command Standards
  • Swords
  • Heads (for all your Celtic home decoration needs)

These models have the same blueprint as these free Zulu Chiefs to give you guys an idea of how these models could turn out. This also has the added benefit of the Zulu and Celtic arms being interchangeable for those interested in some conversions.


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28MM Unarmored Ancient Celtic Warriors
Custom License 
28MM Unarmored Ancient Celtic Warriors
Custom License 
Response 56% in 12.2h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)407 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-01-22
  • Model ID#5045018
  • Ready for 3D Printing