28mm EI Roman Legionaries

28mm EI Roman Legionaries 3D print model


This pack of Early Imperial Roman Legionaries will allow you to raise an army to use in your Ancient wargames.

The pack includes:

  • 2 Centurions
  • An Optio
  • A Standard Bearer
  • A Musician
  • 10 Different Roman Legionariy Poses

The miniatures are 28mm scale with printing supports added.

Item rating
2 0
pvjohnson12023-04-21 11:28:39 UTC
Very nice set of figures, would have liked a signum Manus in the set but that is something I can scratch build. Shields were a little too thick, but they do scale. Some marching figures would have also been good to have, oh well will still have to find these.
robtspencer2022-01-31 05:31:40 UTC
The download was fast and easy. We printed the first one last night and it looks just great. Thanks for the Roman soldiers. Do you have any civilian figures? There is so much more than just the army in my game.
28mm EI Roman Legionaries
Custom License 
28mm EI Roman Legionaries
Custom License 
Response 56% in 12.2h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)622 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-11-30
  • Model ID#2733585
  • Ready for 3D Printing