28mm Aqua for Konosuba TRPG and DnD 3D print model

28mm Aqua for Konosuba TRPG and DnD 3D print model 3D print model


3D print ready model of Aqua from Konosuba in her standard adventurers out fit and wielding staff ready for combat. It is ment for use in tabletop RPG's like Dungeons and Dragons or the Konosuba TRPG and includes an optional 28mm base model that the figure model can slot into with the peg on her foot as well as an alternate version of the model with a flat platform around the foot soe she can fit onto any other base securely.

Model made using Blender 2.9 and test printed before upload using a Anycubic Photon Mono. Test model painted using a mixture of Games Workshop and Army Painter brand paints

Model supplied in STL / Obj file formats, other formats available on request.

preystudio2021-04-09 22:25:55 UTC
Great job!
Item rating
3 0
rueblimaa2021-11-15 18:41:19 UTC
lutters2021-09-19 06:00:18 UTC
tienda3dshop2021-07-08 13:03:50 UTC
Very good model, thank you very much. I have not had any kind of problem. Recommendable. Thanks again.
28mm Aqua for Konosuba TRPG and DnD 3D print model
Editorial No Ai License 
28mm Aqua for Konosuba TRPG and DnD 3D print model
Editorial No Ai License 
Available in these collections
Response 74% in 47.6h
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (3 files)19.4 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (5 files)32 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-04-09
  • Model ID#2975381
  • Ready for 3D Printing