Wrigley Building

Wrigley Building 3D print model


The Wrigley Building is a 438ft (133.5m) tall skyscraper in Chicago, Illinois. Prominently located on the northern side of the Michigan Avenue Bridge, the Wrigley Building is one of the city's most famous and celebrated building. Commissioned by the Wrigley chewing gum company, the pair of buildings were constructed in two phases. The southern building, with its magnificent clock tower, was constructed first in 1921. Shortly afterwards, a matching northern building was completed in 1924. The two buildings are joined by a decorated archway at the ground level and 3rd floor, as well as by a suspended bridge on the 14th floor.The buildings were designed by prominent Chicago-based architectural firm Graham, Anderson, Probst & White in a stlye reminiscent of Spanish cathedrals mixed with various Renaissance-inspired ornamentation.

There are several methods to print these buildings. There is one STL file that includes both buildings with no printing supports (WrigleyComplete.stl). Because there may be some problems getting the columns on the ground-level walkway to adhere to the build plate, there is a file that prints a thin mat that connects these columns to the main building that may be removed after the print is completed (WrigleyCompleteWithSupport.stl).In addition, the 2 buildings may be printed separately (WrigleySouth.stl and WrigleyNorth.stl). Be warned that this method will not include the walkway or skybridge, as it would be too difficult to cleanly attach the pieces together.

Item rating
4 0
swoodall7092024-08-05 02:48:03 UTC
Sliced well and upscaled without any anomalies
ehansoncg2021-02-14 01:25:08 UTC
davecinmi2021-02-01 14:54:11 UTC
Printed beautiful at 150%. I love it !
keane-quinn2021-01-11 17:06:14 UTC
Nice work!
Wrigley Building
Editorial No Ai License 
Wrigley Building
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 43% in 48.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • 3D Studio (.3ds)4.51 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)4.51 MB
  • Collada (.dae)4.51 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)4.51 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (4 files)15.8 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2020-11-19
  • Model ID#2715122