jrjohansen1172021-12-22 19:43:49 UTCThe model is beautiful and is pre-hollowed but it does have a few minor issues. Both the stl and the obj files have self intersecting faces. The stl also has 40 non-manifold vertices. The obj has 8 non-manifold vertices, but 4 non-manifold faces; it also has thousands of inverted faces.
Slicers can auto fix these problems but its more problematic when pulling into meshmixer, etc. Where I was using boolean operations to make a base that fit the internal cut out.
mikeyt2021-09-18 04:01:12 UTCThe details are great have printed several times and no issues at all will worth the price. It really looks good have resized from small to as big as we can print and no issues. Just really glad this is available wish there was more like this available
rowfranz2020-12-31 22:39:41 UTCExcellent model! I am impressed. Do you have models of the quality of the Provo, Provo City Center, Paysen, Mount Timpanogos Temple?
rla12020-12-17 18:13:48 UTCGreat model. Very detailed and prints well! Also, I made some modifications that help with printing/draining but don’t change aesthetics at all (reach out to me and I’ll send you the file).
Would love to have a detailed model of Bountiful, Nauvoo, and other temples as well!