Intended for 3d print.
This is the Royalty Free Licence version of this product. It can be used for commercial purposes by buyer, as long as you follow the terms of the licence. Please read CGTrader's General Terms And Conditions.
Cheaper version for strictly non-commercial purposes (i.e for personal use) available here :
Update 20250114: Additional crumbling pillar added.
This is a model pack containing pillars and other parts to construct a variety of greco-roman style architecture. Using the included models you can build an approximation of the Parthenon, the Maison Carrée, or perhaps some other historical roman or greek building. Or just design temples, arches or pillar avenues of your own. There is a total of 45 model parts included in this pack, detailed below. Suggested use is as terrain in tabletop games ranging from 6mm to 54mm scale.
Detailed list
Below is a complete listing of all model parts included in this kit, with a short description when helpful. You can also view renders of the entire model lineup in the image gallery.
Complete temple - this is a pre-assembled building, somewhat closely modelled off of the Maison Carrée in Nimes, France. It includes foundation, pillars, house, roof et cetera arranged into a temple. The model prints as one-piece, with no post-print assembly required. You can print this to save time and effort. You can also use it as a blueprint when assembling a temple of your own manually, in case you'd like to customize your temple slightly with crumbling pillars here and there, or with a different roof, et cetera.
Temple foundation - lower part of a temple building. Place pillars, house et cetera on top of this.
Arch foundation - same, but for a single row of pillars arranged into an arch/gate-style monument. See image gallery for an example.
Temple house 1 - a brick building with tall doors flung open.
Temple house 2 - same, but with the doors closed.
Temple house with pillars - a brick building with pillars integrated into its walls, which appears to have been the style of many real-life roman buildings.
Temple house with pillars and open door - same, with doors ajar.
Temple pillars arranged - 30 pillars arranged into a rectangular pattern. Use this if you want to build a parthenon- style building, but don't want the hassle of aligning a large number of pillars evenly.
Temple no roof - Another complete temple model, sans roof.
Temple roof - the roof portion of a temple.
Temple tall - same, but with the roof taller and angled more sharply.
Temple flattop - a flat roof.
Arch roof - similar to the temple roof, but shortened to fit a single-row arch/gate.
Arch roof flattop - same, but a flat roof.
Pillar tall plain with base - an Ionic pillar with a smooth surface and a square base.
Pillar tall plain no base - same, without a square base.
Pillar tall indented - a fluted pillar.
Pillar tall sections exposed - a fluted pillar with the crack between drum sections visible.
Pillar tall embossed - a pillar with the fluted sections convex insted of concave. Not exactly historical.
Pillar tall vines 1 - a fluted pillar with its upper section overgrown with vines.
Pillar tall vines 2 - same, but with vines covering the entirety of the pillar.
Pillar tall conical - a pillar that is thicker at its base than at its top.
Pillar short conical - same, but shorter.
Pillar crumbling - a pillar with its upper section shorn off.
Pillar crumbling vines - another broken pillar, this one with vines growing over it.
26 to 41 - Pillars broken down into sections. There are drums, bases and capitals, some in disrepair or overgrown with vines. You can use these pieces to construct custom pillars. Make them short or impossibly tall, worn in places, or simply strew various sections on the ground as debris. Look on my works ye mighty, and despair.
44 to 45 - Example pillars. These are a couple of one-piece pillars constructed out of the pieces mentioned above in 26 to 41. These are, as the name suggests, merely examples of how you can use the pieces to create different pillars both standing or fallen.
This royalty free version includes all models in both .stl and .obj format