My first modular cubic buildings pack for 3d printing. Pack consist of 2 types of rooftops and various balcony, window, pipeline, doorway and insulation plating arrangements. Designed for modern or sci-fi urban and industrial settings. Perfect for applying on paper/cardboard, foam and/or plastic terrain pieces. Made for various dioramas and gaming boards/tables. Suitable for accessorizing and kitbashing.
SPECS: %100 scaled models are made for 10MM tabletop standard (equal to a 10MM tall adult human), any other scale can be set as 'scale times 10' as percentage. Designed for minimum 6MM (%60) scale. Compatible with common FDM and SLA printers. All parts are supportless.
BUILDING INSTRUCTIONS: (please refer to assembly visual for better visualisation) Parts with 'CE' designation are roof pieces, everything else is stacked below them like reverse LEGOs. Parts with 'FW' designations are wide facade panels, with 'FN' designated narrow facades they complete each other as front-rear and left-right twins. 'ND' narrow door and 'WD' wide door panels work the same way except they has doors designed for street floors. All facade panels have male details towards their up-side and female details at bottom-side to allow them to align properly below the roof pieces and stack onto eachother. None of the panes designed for tight fits, concact adhesive usage is recommended.