This 94 piece model pack contains various chimney bits, street lamps, coastal radar installations, lighthouses, roadblocks, large billboards, construction and port cranes, spaceframe structures, telecommunication antennas, computer terminals, various breakers, piping, ventilation equipment, power generators, catwalks, ladders, high voltage power grid equipment, cargo and trash containers, silos, water towers, carjacks, purification equipment, large coils, various hatches, and refinery boilers. Made for modern, interwar and sci-fi industrial, coastal and urban settings. Perfect for applying on paper/cardboard and plastic buildings and sceneries. Suitable for various dioramas and gaming boards/tables.
SPECS:%100 scaled models print for 8mm, %80 scaled models print for 6mm, %150 scaled models print for 12mm, %350 scaled models print for 28mm. Not suited for scales below %80.Compatible with common ABS and PLA printers.
UPDATE:All items are now available together in a RAR. pack for easy download.
**Print warning: Radar2 file may need supports.**