Dolls House Contemporary internal door 4 panel 12th Scale

Dolls House Contemporary internal door 4 panel 12th Scale 3D print model


Transistion seemlesly from room to room in your dolls house with these tastefully contemporary house doors.

This model is 1:12 Scale.

Included are 2 handle choices, one with a lock hole and one without.

There are several door options included:

A door in 2 halves (front and back) for filament printers to print flat.

A complete door with the side lock attached for a SLA/Jet printer.

A complete door without the side lock attached so you can print it seperately, paint and then insert.

The door frame.

These doors are intded for a 173mm x 73mm apature hole.

You will also require miniature 10mm x 8mm brass hinges.

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bobnuttall2023-09-21 01:41:47 UTC
Dolls House Contemporary internal door 4 panel 12th Scale
Custom License 
Dolls House Contemporary internal door 4 panel 12th Scale
Custom License 
Response 82% in 5.5h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (10 files)7.72 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (10 files)2.73 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2022-03-11
  • Model ID#3636436