battlements for wargaming ruins

battlements for wargaming ruins 3D print model


hi, this package is a nice simple collection of wall toppers that will fit ontop of alot of the warcry,/AoS style flat roof and other wargames terrain pieces that come in 5cm sections, they also make walls for courtyards and you can use a program like chitubox to scale and join the corner sections with standard lenths to make beefy corner sections or evn just tailor and trim off a few millimeters to fit your rooftops. also included are a set of empty brazers that could be used with rubble or twigs to make signal fires for objectives or adding extra details theres also a small stone wall emplacement that might be usfull if you make an earthen mound to the front of it creating a good spot for a warmachine.

files are STL format. the zip file also has a fully loaded file for printing on an elegoo mars using the grey abs like resin. i printed mine at 0.025nm on an elegoo mars and its worked really well only taking about 3.5 hours and have made my plastic ruin look more like a small fort.

please note, this set will allow you to make the wall tops (2.5cm of battlement), not the full plastic building there sat ontop of in some of the photo's. please look over the photos of examples .

use your printer software to join long sections or corners to make sure there are no gaps you need to fill later. especially the corners as ive made them over bulking on there corner side so you have 3-4mm extra wiggle room incase you need to make it longer.

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battlements for wargaming ruins
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battlements for wargaming ruins
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3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (10 files)7.9 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2021-04-10
  • Model ID#2977470