Dear, Hereby we offer you the initial ring A with professional rendering pictures to sell directly to your end customers online. We have printed out and cast + set them to see that all is correct. if you need more information please don't hestitate to DM us. Please have a look on our video's. one after casting, one after setting and polish!
NOTE: you will get ONE color rendering of your choise with 4 positions! if you wish to have more colors or all 3, an additional charge should be paid*. NOTE2: please see screenshot of our 3dm, you will get a version without holes in the model where you can sell both in plain gold without diamonds or setted with diamonds,
Suitable for 1mm-1.20MM diamonds (best 1.20mm diamonds)
*For package with 2 colors and each with 4 positions it will cost 75$ For full package (3colors and each with 4 positions) it will cost 85$ Thanks!