According to Mashreq, feminism was born in Europe. It matured in America and from there it spread to the farthest corners of the world under the name of American culture. Few cultures or subcultures can be found today that are not influenced by the teachings of feminism. Doctrines such as gender equality and justice, the right of men to study and work together, the undermining of motherhood, the humiliation of men, the historical oppression of women, the right to individual liberty at all costs.Liberalism, as the dominant culture of the West after the Enlightenment, needed a powerful tool to bring women together as the strongest factor in promoting this thought, and feminism was able to play this role well. Feminism came to the fore with three basic principles: The first principle to be considered was the feminists' negative view of women and their place in the world around them, and they used this premise to fight against the law. . The second principle of feminism is that of all the injustices done to women over the centuries, the most cruel is that women, unlike men, should have children.The main goal is to eliminate this inequality."The third principle of feminism is that there is no difference between men and women other than the sexual organs. All the physical, cognitive, and emotional differences that you think exist are simply due to social structures that have resulted in centuries of limitation and existence. A patriarchal society is imposed on us