Eternity Band Diamond Ring 3dm stl render detail

Eternity Band Diamond Ring 3dm stl render detail 3D print model


Cad cart is one stop solution for cad, render, video, 360 view, catalogue and model view for diamond jewellery designs.

We are providing cad models of......

#RINGS #EngagementRings #CoupleBands #Casualbands #Cocktail #BridalSet #TrendyRings #TwinRings

#EARRINGS #Studs #Drops #Hoops&Huggies #EarCuffs&Hugs #Fashion

#PENDANTS #Personalised #Fashion #Initials #Religious #Charms

#CHAINS AND NECKLACES #Chains #Necklace #LongNecklace #BarNecklaces #YNecklace #PearlNecklace #CasualNecklace

#BANGLES AND BRACELETS #Bracelets #Bangles #BroadBangles #ThinBangles #Single Line #CharmsBracelets


#MEN'S JEWELLERY #RingsforMen #Men'sEngagementRings #Chains #Bracelets #Pendants #EarringsforMen #Cufflinks

#KIDS JEWELLERY #EarringsforKids #Pendants #Necklaces #BanglesandBracelets #JewellerySets

#GEMSTONE JEWELLERY #GemstoneRings #GemstoneEarrings #GemstonePendants #GemstoneNecklace #GemstoneBangles #NosePins

#SOLITAIRE JEWELLERY #SolitaireRings #SolitaireEarrings #Pendants #Bangles #NosePins

Mau (2889)

sergantonio2024-07-04 10:44:20 UTC
How would you change the ring size? sorry im just fairly new to this
cadcart2024-07-04 10:50:02 UTC
Dear Customer, Ring size can be chnaged in Rhinocerous / matrix software.
sergantonio2024-07-10 06:12:33 UTC
Would it be possible to ask or hire you to different ring sizes for me?
cadcart2024-07-10 08:11:32 UTC
Dear Customer, Yes, you can order us any ring sizes. We will charge you only for the ring size you want to make.
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Eternity Band Diamond Ring 3dm stl render detail
Royalty Free License 
Eternity Band Diamond Ring 3dm stl render detail
Royalty Free License 
Response 98% in 0.8h
3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Rhinoceros 3D (.3dm)3.17 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)3.09 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-11-17
  • Model ID#3388912
  • Ready for 3D Printing