This is a Ring 001.2 from jewelry set 001, This set has inspired by nature. Necklace bodies are gold and the stones are black pearl.
** The ring has USA sizes 5,5.5,6,6.5,7 ring's size and files contains STL files for 3D printing. The ring has designed with gold body ( Shank, Shoulder, gallery and head) and center stone is pearl.**
The 3D files has been designed in RhinoCeros version 7 With SubD modeling system and jewelry has been designed , managed and analysed in RhinoGold vesrion 6.6. All the files has been checked by Netfabb. The file contains native software file Rhinoceros 7 ( Subd modeling - saved as Rhinoceros 5).
#RINGS #EngagementRings #Fashion #Initials #Religious #Charms#EARRINGS #Fashion#Necklace #BANGLES AND BRACELETS #Bracelets #Bangles #BroadBangles #ThinBangles #Single Line #CharmsBracelets #JewellerySets #Pearl #PearRing #Pearl Ring # Women Ring # 3D printing #3Dprint #Printable