Symbolic Meaning of the HorseHorse symbol meanings date back to prehistory, and the first civilized, written acknowledgement of the horse comes in the third millennium BC where historians uncovered slate tablets in Elam (present day Iraq and Iran) which reference this noble, wild beast.Due to its natural companionship with man in both work and art, the horse easily wins a special seat in history, ranking high marks of honor, reverence and symbolism.Serving man in war, mobility, productivity, agriculture, development of all kinds, the horse is by far one of the largest contributor to the enhancement of civilization.With such recognition and accomplishments, a vast and diverse trail of symbol meanings is sure to follow the horse’s rich history with humankind.A summary of prevalent symbol meanings for the horse…The Horse Symbol And What It Means In Different CulturesAs a Celtic symbol,the horse was associated with war. With war, comes attributes of victory, conquer, longevity as well as procurement of territory and other spoils that come with triumph in battle..