Narcissus pendant

Narcissus pendant 3D print model


This model is inspired by Narcissus. The upper part of the model, which is displayed in blue, is enamel. The dimensions of the model are included in the photos. The model is without problems and ready to print. Read more about Narcissus' story.

Echo and Narcissus are among the famous lovers in Greek mythology. Echo was a very talkative fairy who was condemned to eternal silence by Hera and was only allowed to repeat the last flood of words that came out of everyone's mouth. This beautiful fairy fell in love with Narcissus when she saw him.

But Narcissus was a young boy who could not get anything out of love and made fun of all the girls who fell in love with him [including Echo]. Eventually, the girls asked the gods to punish Narcissus, and the gods made Narcissus put his face in the spring water, and one heart, not a hundred hearts, fell in love with him. As a result of this love, [and since it was not possible for him to join, Narcissus became weaker and weaker day by day until he finally died.

The first narcissus flower grows right where Narcissus died. But Echo, greatly weakened by Narcissus 'love, became so weak when he heard the news of Narcissus' death that it became an echo.From the collection of romancesEcho fairy is very talkativeHe was hated and disgusted by one of the most powerful goddesses, Hera. Hera was the wife of Zeus (one of the great gods). Hera was always discovering the secrets and love affairs of her husband Zeus with other fairies. The story of Echo's curse began when one day Hera decided to visit the fairies to see which of them Zeus was related to, but Echo's heartwarming and happy words prevented him from following the story of Zeus' love. While he was listening intently, the fairies got a chance to leave, and finally Hera did not understand which fairy Zeus was. With the same cruelty he always had, he became hostile to Echo, and that fairy was among the many girls who were punished by Hera. Hera said to him: You will always be the last person to speak and you will not be able to speak first. Since then, Echo has only been able to repeat the last words of each sentence (or the last syllable of each word) repeatedly. Echo language was just a reflection and repetition of the last words of others.From the collection of romancesNarcissus lovers inThey searched to find his body and bury it, but they did not find it. A new and beautiful flower had grown where he had disappeared, still staring at his image in the water and worried. They named the flower Narcissus or Narcissus to commemorate his eternal tomb. Accordingly, the myths consider the daffodil flower, which grows along the rivers and stares at its image in the water with an eye-catching shape, as his relic.

Rashidka2022-02-28 08:44:26 UTC
вау круто!!!
Palasky2021-05-29 08:45:18 UTC
Niloufar-Mirshahidi2021-05-29 08:54:30 UTC
Niloufar-Mirshahidi2021-05-30 05:08:41 UTC
3DPunto2021-05-27 08:48:23 UTC
Niloufar-Mirshahidi2021-05-30 05:09:10 UTC
thank you
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Narcissus pendant
Royalty Free License 
Narcissus pendant
Royalty Free License 
Response 78% in 8.5h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)11.9 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)8.77 MB
  • 3D Studio (.3ds)10.5 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)21.5 MB
  • Rhinoceros 3D (.3dm)17.4 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-05-27
  • Model ID#3064889
  • Ready for 3D Printing