Locket and matching armature
For the best price: contact me personally for a direct transaction
Prints in pieces that snap fit together. For best quality and legibility, use resin printer. The bottom half of the locket comes both with or without inscribed text.This piece was originally designed for my gallery show as a memento to an important person.
All files and links sold are meant for your personal and commercial use on the condition Brandon Knighton is recognized as original designer. By downloading content made by me referring to all files included with purchase you accept this agreement and agree to be bound by its provisions. If you do not accept or agree with these terms do not download the content provided. You may use the content downloaded from this product for personal and commercial use, so long as I am recognized as the initial designer. You can cut or resize my files to better fit your printer. You can always take photos make videos or live stream photo or video content of my models on the condition that you state the models were made by me. Any promotion of my product is always appreciated. My designs are protected by intellectual property rights.