This is a jewelry CAD file, 3dprint file, stl file. For jewelry CAM and casting. Model name is :- “Jesus Cross Pendant - 0076“. This file is for jewelry manufacturing company or other 3D printing ornaments manufacturing company. We can use this model as a Jewelry Pendant, Necklace center piece, Earrings, Rings, Showpiece or other purpose. If you need less metal weight, please reduce the height from below of this model after CAM or 3D-printing. It is ready for jewelry CAM and any type of 3D-print. You can find all details of the product, in product image. I give you (stl, 3dmstl and obj ) file format in zip file.The birth of Jesus is described in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew. According to the Christian religion, the divine will and purpose is that Jesus was born to save the world from chaos, darkness, and superstition. The Nativity scene has been an important subject for Christian artists since the fourth century.