High Poly Empty pendant
Design of this Pendant is my own. It is not a copy of some one else work or sketch.
Measure units are meters, it is about 3.5 cm in diameter. Model is print ready.
The idea behind this work is that you can add your own design to this pendant.
Mesh is manifold, has no bad contiguous edges.
============================================================Here is two version of files:
1) E_Pendant_Solid = Available formats: .blend, .fbx, .stl, .obj, .dae, .3ds In this version there is only two parts the Pendant itself and a ring.
2) E_Pendant_Parts = Available formats: .blend, .obj
In this version there separate parts before boolean aperation was applied. So ornament can be removed.Mesh concists of 865958 triangular faces.For .3ds format there is only 62348 faces
Cycles material that was used for rendering are available in E_Pendant_Solid.blend file.