With the shut down of shapeways(who stiffed me a $30 payout, lol), I'm offering all my cosplay prop models. I don't have the time to print and offer them myself, so have at it! I make no promises on the quality of the models, its just all geometry to me. Priced accordingly. If I've gotten a successful print from the model, pics are included. Tell your friends, these are only guaranteed to be available for the month of October.
This item is the three piece headdress worn with the packing outfit Padme wears on Coruscant in Star Wars Prequel Attack of the Clones Episode Two. There is an accompanying model available for her arm bands.
I'm going with royalty free, but I'd prefer if you didn't share the model. These might not be perfect, but I did spend hundreds of hours making these. If you want to make them for your friends, maybe just pay it forward and boost the models I have for sale on social media or something :D Happy printing!