6 Lobster Clasp

6 Lobster Clasp 3D print model


6 Lobster clasp 3d model. are designed delicately and meticulously by details with Rhino Matrix, Zbrush software. Suitable for making jewelry of gold, silver, platinum ...

Files format: STL, 3DM, and OBJ

001: size: 8.26mm weights: [silver 925: 0.23g][gold 14k: 0.28g][gold 18k: 0.33g][gold 22k: 0.40g]

002: size: 8.97mm weights: [silver 925: 0.29g][gold 14k: 0.35g][gold 18k: 0.41g][gold 22k: 0.50g]

003: size: 10.18mm weights: [silver 925: 0.43][gold 14k: 0.52g][gold 18k: 0.61g][gold 22k: 0.74g]

004: size: 14.00mm weights: [silver 925: 1.09g][gold 14k: 1.39g][gold 18k: 1.67g][gold 22k: 1.94g]

005: size: 16.26mm weights: [silver 925: 1.76g][gold 14k: 2.14g][gold 18k: 2.49g][gold 22k: 3.03g]

006: size: 18.15mm weights: [silver 925: 2.38g][gold 14k: 2.89g][gold 18k: 3.37g][gold 22k: 4.11g]

You can ask us questions. We will reply as soon as possible.

#BraceletLock #Bracelet #Lock #jewel #jewelry #jewellery #precious #beauty #ladies #ring #mensring #womensring #luxury #rings #Doublering #Engagementring #weddingring #wedding #CoupleBands #collection #precious #bulk #pendant #menspendant #womenspendant #pendants #pendantnecklace #bracelet #chain #mensbracelet #womensbracelet #bracelets #Bangles #Single-Line #Casualbands #bracelets #cuban #lock #miami #miamicubanlink #link #sterling #necklaces #mensnecklaces #womensnecklaces #barnecklaces #casualnecklace #earrings #mensearrings #womensearring #studs #earcuffs #Mensjewelry #mensjewellery #ringsformens #pendantsformens #Kids #Kidsjewellery #Kidjewelry #Jewelryforkids #JewellerySets #Personalised #Fashion #Initials #Religious #luxury #Gemstone #diamond #gem #sapphire #ruby #pearl #opal #emerald #aquamarine #garnet #Metal #gold #silver #platinum #yellowgold #whitegold #rosegold #palladium #greengold #Matrix #Rhino #Zbrush #3d #printer #model #printable #bodhisattva #buddha #buddhas #cnc #decor #decoration #deity #eight #god #sculpture #statue #religious #mary #Jesus #blessed #mother #maria #god #jesu #cross #christ #religion #catholic #church #saint #crucifix #art #sculptures #portrait #bas-relief #medallion #statue #cnc #decor #decoration #sculpture #statue #cuban #printable #lock #miami #miami #cuban #link #sterling #queen #crown #princess #JinChan #Teddy #panda #Pharaoh #egypt #mask #egyptian #ancient #mummy #pyramid #pharao #faraon #tutanhamon #tutenchamun #tutanhamon #skull

elchamo21dm2024-01-22 21:32:13 UTC
Hola, me puede explicar en que material se fabrica el resorte o muelle?
Item rating
1 1
customjewelry13512024-11-22 08:35:37 UTC
braxcap2024-10-13 11:18:40 UTC
Not Recommended
Contacted creator to inform them that file is corrupt, that the file does not render well in Tinkercad, and that the trigger will not print without surface defects. To date, there is no response from the creator. However the other files seem to be fine. The file name in question is: uploads_files_2699498_Khoa+lac+N2538+01B.stl
6 Lobster Clasp
Royalty Free License 
6 Lobster Clasp
Royalty Free License 
Response 75% in 48.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (12 files)17.4 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)44.8 MB
  • Rhinoceros 3D (.3dm)8.6 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-01-01
  • Model ID#4998595
  • Ready for 3D Printing