*Rooster pendant new desgine 3D print model This ring embodies the highest meanings of elegance and sophistication and is an indispensable piece to add an aesthetic touch to your everyday look.This ring embodies the highest meanings of elegance and sophistication and is an indispensable piece to add an aesthetic touch to your everyday look.Roosters are punctual, honest, bright and warm-hearted. They are often self-assured, neat and tidy and like to keep themselves busy. Knowing they were born with dashing good looks, they pay close attention to their clothing and appearance. Never a day goes by when they do not walk with utmost dignity in the centre of attention. Roosters can also be overly-critical, quick-tempered and easily annoyed by those who dawdle. They love to argue and debate, but are not always the most tactful, so may offend their peers.*About Me : I am a freelance CAD jewelry Designer, work on Gemvision Matrix 9 I am having + 10 years of experience in CAD Designing. I will provide you STL files(for printing and manufacturing purposes) I make my des. for manufacturing purposes, I am aware of the minimum requirements in CAD to make a design needs to convert into reality,I am a jewelry designer I like the design arts .I'm glad to know the program cgtrader .I have a lot file of jewelry.online work : Telegram : 012447123