Cubans Collection 24 Fusion Link Chain Bracelets and Necklaces

Cubans Collection 24 Fusion Link Chain Bracelets and Necklaces 3D print model


Of Jewelry 3D a page, great models to customers looking for ready-to-print designs, providing a convenient and customizable option for creating unique and personalized jewelry pieces.

tags : #RINGS #EngagementRings #CoupleBands #Casualbands #Cocktail #BridalSet #TrendyRings #TwinRings #WeddingRing #AnniversaryRing #Solitairering #Promisering #Bridalring #threestonering #statementring #antiquering #jewelry #ringdesign #ringforwoman #vintagering #haloring #solitaireengagementring #diamondring #cocktailring #highjewelryring #italianring #flowerring #womenring #5stonering #7stonering #4prongring #princessring #ovalstonering #cushionstonering #elegantring #rubyring #radiantstonering #heartstonering #infinitydiamondring #starring #paradisering #bypassring #claddaghring #dianaring #classicring #nautilusring #artdecoring #filigreering #trellisring #floralring #splitshankring #parisengagementring #weavingtwistedhaloring #haloengagementring #nuggetring #emeraldstonering #crossoverring #bellisring #pearstonering #clusterring #1ctdiamondring #Rosrring #lotusring #wirerimcocktailring #valentinering #marquisering #catring #dogring #skullring #lovering #snakering #pantherring #fashionring #delicatering

#WeddingBand #goldring #silverring #eternityband #coupleband #stackableband #solitairecoplebandring #mobiusband #italianband #matchingband #milgrainband #valentineband #eternitydiamondband #twistedband #natureinspiredring #meshcoupleband #celticweddingband #mobiusweddingband #braidedweddingband #traditionalband #courtweddingband #infinityband #weddingbandring #natureband #crossoverdiamondband #ropedeignweddingband #minimalistband

#COLORSTONEJEWELLERY #COLORSTONERING #GemstoneRings #GemstoneEarrings #GemstonePendants #GemstoneNecklace #GemstoneBangles #NosePins #exquisitegemstonering #turkishring #Ruby #cetrinring #emeraldring #pinkstonering #sapphirering #onyxring #amethystring #alexandritering #garnetring #aquamarinering #opalring #pearlring #moonstonering #morganitering #fluoritering

#EARRINGS #SolitaireEarring #studearring #Studs #Drops #Hoops&Huggies #EarCuffs&Hugs #Fashion #solitaireearring #fancyearring #heartearring #roseearring #roundearring #haloearring #womenearring #fineearring #texturedearring #uniqueearring #petalearring #flowerearring #dropearring #skullearring #classicearring #leavesearring #latticeearring #ovateearring #dangleearring #earringwithpearl #jewelryearring #bloomearring #scallopearring #petiteearring #miracleearring

#BANGLESANDBRACELETS #cubanbracelet #hiphopbracelet #Bracelets #Bangles #BroadBangles #ThinBangles #CharmsBracelets #banglebracelet #banglebracelet #snakebracelet #womenbracelet #Tbengles #floralcarvedbangle #leafbracelet #flowerbangle

#PENDANTS #custompendant #Personalised #Fashion #Initials #Religious #Charms #solitairependant #crownpendant #kingpendant #lionpendant #prayinghandpendant #skullpendant #rescuependant #snakependant #medusapendant #hamsapendant #butterflypendant #crosspendant #jesuspendant #rosependant #heartpendant #angelpendant #angelwingpendant #gunpendant #justicependant #eaglependant

#CHAINSANDNECKLACES #cubanchain #ropechain #tennischain #beadedchain #Chains #Necklace #LongNecklace #BarNecklaces #YNecklace #PearlNecklace #CasualNecklace #skullchain #moonchain #

#MEN'S JEWELLERY #RingsforMen #Men'sEngagementRings #Chains #Bracelets #Pendants #EarringsforMen #Cufflinks #NamePendant #mensring

Item rating
3 3
jabapiper2024-12-18 00:08:19 UTC
Not Recommended
Links touch cannot successfully print or cast
romeo342024-06-28 15:12:41 UTC
very good Thanks
ugento2024-05-28 11:59:22 UTC
Not Recommended
Most of the files are not printable, based upon an analysis by Blender 3D's "3D Print Toolkit", which shows massive non-manifold issues and many other problems. Blender could not repair the issues. The models themselves when zoomed in are terrible. I regret the purchase, cannot use the files, and don't recommend anyone purchase this set of files.
gnmjewelry2023-12-03 03:44:37 UTC
Not Recommended
Files have structural issues, cannot be fixed in the slicer. The Cuban bracelets that are supposed to have a space open with prongs for diamonds already have the diamonds set in them for some reason. I am printing this to cast, if I cast it with the 3d printed Diamond already in it, how is that going to work? It will not work!
abhijitpankade2023-a2652c2023-10-27 11:15:09 UTC
HI, Thank you for the Cuban files. The Designs are beautiful and perfect. It would be great if you can share 3 DM files & Weight in Silver or Gold of the Cubans.
Cubans Collection 24 Fusion Link Chain Bracelets and Necklaces
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Cubans Collection 24 Fusion Link Chain Bracelets and Necklaces
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Response 61% in 1.5h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)299 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-04-19
  • Model ID#4447584
  • Ready for 3D Printing