The most important and main concept of the angel symbol is related to protection and guarding. It is also a symbol of goodness, purity and benevolence in public beliefs. People who believe in this symbol feel safe and secure and enjoy it. If you want to surprise and excite someone, you can use this symbol and show how much that person is dear to you and that their health and safety are important to you. By using this symbol, you can tell people your wishes indirectly.
WEIGHT: 14K: 2.27g / 18K: 2.69g
FILE FORMAT: STL and 3dm and if you need to change the format, send your request and I will do it for you.
Ready for 3d printing Angel Necklace Pendant printable 3dmodel without any supports (because each 3d printer needs special supports for 3dmodel).
Occasion: Engagement, wedding, Anniversary, Birthday, Christmas, or you can wear every day.
NOTE1: Do not under any circumstances share these files for free or commercially!
NOTE2: All the models are coded and when sending the request, preferably send me the file code for the ease and speed of your request.
In my profile, you can see all the models.
I hope you enjoy this model. And if you have any questions you can ask me.
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