Explicit overview of the model creation process Mentioning of tools used: Rhinoceros and Matrix software Emphasis on NURBS geometry Clear inclusion of Rhinoceros Nurbs geometry format and mesh geometry for 3D printing Main Body
Thorough description of the model's features and specifications in photos Definitive explanation of the software used for creating mesh geometry for 3D printing Strong invitation for feedback, suggestions, and ideas for improvements Clear statement on the prohibition of resale of the models Conclusion
Reiteration of the purpose of the model Sincere thanks to the audience for their attention Strong encouragement to reach out for any further inquiries or feedback.
All information (DIMENSION, WEIGHT, GEMS REPORT, THE GUARANTY OF PRINTABILITY) about this Flower Clip Back Earrings With Mother of pearl or Malachite 12 mm is available in photos. If you want other sizes of this model, you can contact me directly.
As necessarily Model can be made with sprue.
I included into the model White detail If you don't want cast it ignore it.