Diamond Hoop Earrings stl files verifiedall files verified as you can see its designed in thatn way it has doiamonds set on the rear side also weights, dimensions are in the images for those who love classy, elegant, simple but headturner earrings this desing is for you #jewellerydesign #jewelry #rings #3dmodelling #rhino3d #jewellery #diamondrings #RINGS #EngagementRings #CoupleBands #Casualbands #Cocktail #BridalSet #TrendyRings #TwinRings
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#PENDANTS #Personalised #Fashion #Initials #Religious #Charms
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#MEN'S JEWELLERY #RingsforMen #Men'sEngagementRings #Chains #Bracelets #Pendants #EarringsforMen #Cufflinks
#KIDS JEWELLERY #EarringsforKids #Pendants #Necklaces #BanglesandBracelets #JewellerySets
#GEMSTONE JEWELLERY #GemstoneRings #GemstoneEarrings #GemstonePendants #GemstoneNecklace #GemstoneBangles #NosePins
#SOLITAIRE JEWELLERY #SolitaireRings #SolitaireEarrings #Pendants #Bangles #NosePins