Sprinkler Tripod Adapter Bundle With 3D Printer Source Files

Sprinkler Tripod Adapter Bundle With 3D Printer Source Files Free 3D print model


Get the Sprinkler Tripod Adapter Complete Bundle with 3D Printer files, and source files for editing in a 3D program. Included files work with DesignSpark Mechanical. I will include other file formats soon.

If you would like to print all the files this is the cheapest way to do it, saving you 20% off purchasing them individually (for source files or direct printing).

The bundle also gives you the source files so you can edit the product with things like your logo, or modify it to your needs. You also receive royalty free rights (see CGTrader's general license), and the ability to sell the physical 3d printed items as much as you like.

This bundle is still cheaper by 50% or more than if you were to purchase a tripod sprinkler from the store. So have fun, and contact me if you got any questions or need assistance.

Here are some tips for 3D printing this item.Walls/Shell: 5+ layers - Why? because ABS is not water tight and you need to make it as water tight as possible with a thicker shell.Infill: 90%+, 100% preferredMaterial(in order of preference): Taulman T-glase, PET, PETG, PCABS, ABSPLA is not recommended, but may work. It will just degrade quickly over time, and will need to be replaced often.

These were printed in ABS on a Afinia H780. I have also printed it in T-glase on an i3 with good success.

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Sprinkler Tripod Adapter Bundle With 3D Printer Source Files
Editorial No Ai License 
Sprinkler Tripod Adapter Bundle With 3D Printer Source Files
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 0% in 48.0h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (5 files)5.16 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2015-05-31
  • Model ID#131937
  • Ready for 3D Printing