House Numbers 0-9 - Easy to Set - Printable STLAll house numbers to create any combination from zero to nine.
Easy to print, easy to set and easy to align (all screw holes are aligned for easy installing)Simple numbers, with 3mm holes.
Sizes are pre-set at: 120mm lenght, 5mm height and 5mm screw holes.The screw holes have a bit bigger head for better screw placing.Feel free to change its size as you prefer (if more than one number, change all the sizes in same proportion).
This model is simple to print, one side is full flat, and can be printed in any material (PLA, Resin, etc).However, resin or ABS is always better for outside items that will be exposed for long time on sun.
You can print directly in the color you prefer, or print and paint since its easy to do.
Printed using this Cura settings on my Ender 3 Pro, printing in PLA: -Dynamic Quality: 0.16mm-Supports: No-Printing Temperature: 200 (but I used 220 for V-Silk) -Build Plate Temperature: 70 -Speed: 40 mm/s -Build Plate Adhesion Type: Brim