Benefits of lemon, do you know them?
Antiseptic, tonic, antinauseant, liver and circulatory function enhancer, the list of properties of lemon is long!This small citrus, lemon is full of qualities to give a boost to our health. Do you know them?
With its flavonoids, antioxidant compounds that help protect cells from premature aging caused by free radicals, it would help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.Lemon also represents a contribution of B vitamins and minerals and trace elements - copper, calcium, potassium and magnesium - and could play an active role in the prevention of certain cancers. The presence of potassium explains that lemon is not acidifying for the body, despite its acidulous flavor. Its vitamin C content makes it a good ally to fight against winter infections.
A lemon squeezer is a small kitchen utensil designed to extract juice from lemon.15 cm high