For the original assistant from electroluxCan be printed with an multi material printer in one step or as separate parts.Part 1 is the roller and should be made in Aceton treated ABS (preferably colorless) or nylon-fill as picture, adapt infill to your needs minimum 2mm perimeter. 0.2mm layer height except for transitions (easier to clean). Depending on printers bridging capability the part can be printed with or without supports.Part 2 is the bearing, this should be made in ABS or POM infill >70% Glue to Part1 and add some mild grease to the center. Depending on your printers tolerances you might need to drill the core.Part 3 is the rubber damper and gripper, make in TPE or TPU, minimum 0.8mm perimeters adjust infill with your needs, higher infill will give longer life time but also more noise and less grip.