3D printable cup

3D printable cup 3D print model


Hello every one . I am back for more work , and there is another cup today , you would think why do I upload so many cups lately ,!? Do I love cups or what ?! Or prehabs I am going to marry and preparing my self with house furnitures , Actually I can not prepare my house with a 3D object , if I need to drink coffee I will not be able to drink them in a 3D soft ware , go a head and try it if you do not believe me , open 3D max or the 3D soft ware you use and create a coffee or any drink you wish to drink in a cup and after drinking it say Mmmmmmmmmm..... It is so delicious , It will never happen guys .

Also I am not planning to marry soon , I will not just pick up any girl on this planet and say how about we marry ?! then she says I agree , weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee , really guys , marriage can not be good without love , because then you will accept each other with the mistakes and each obstcal you would face in your life , and do not say that there are no mistakes because the human without mistakes will never be able to do the right thing .

Also I have a question , why does every one wish that I marry ?! Really , why does every one wish that I marry !? My evil grand mother of my father says always that she wish that I marry , once before she kept annoying me by this thing and that I must find a bride , well Genny of the lamp , find me a bride , As you command master Boooffff , and the pride is here . This mean woman told me that she can bring me a bride , then I told her that I have condetions must be in my wife t be acceptable , so she replied She will be with the conditions and details you want , I said How this !? You do not even know the conditions I want , she replied We will make you look at the girls as the people do and pick up one for your self . Oh my god , why did not I think about this before !? I would simply find the wife I wish hanging out before my house as you find the monster that you need to kill always in the game and in the numbers you need , perhabs I will find this girl with an arrow above her head lighting with Las Vegas lights and pointing at her with a type on it says Her is your wife .

I replied How do you think that there is a chance to look in the trashs you will give me and find my wife in it ?! , Do not you ever think about a thing else than making the other suffer !? , actually this evil woman did the same thing with her kids and no one of them is happy about his life , each one with a curse , but they try to lie to their selves and says that they are over the moon , so I did not wish to repeat the same mistake , nor acting like the people who says the marriage is a step of the life , because this is the life of the pride of oxen , if you falled in love and wished to spend your life with the one you love then marry and do not try to look at any other one , but if you do not have it then do not marry some girl because she or he is so cute , because the eye loves every pretty thing , but the heart love only once .

Now , you have a cup will remind you with this words perhabs .

creative-universe2022-08-14 23:13:55 UTC
It's 1 am
creative-universe2022-08-05 12:40:48 UTC
I didn't drink tea today .
creative-universe2020-02-28 17:10:24 UTC
So I must hurry .
creative-universe2020-02-28 17:10:15 UTC
I must make tea .
creative-universe2020-02-26 19:25:45 UTC
It is time for my drink .
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3D printable cup
Royalty Free License 
3D printable cup
Royalty Free License 
Response 83% in 7.3h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping
PBR modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography S (.stl)20.3 KB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2019-03-17
  • Model ID#1926146