It is a cap or end cap for the legs of the chair. The design is configured for a 1 inch (2.54 cm) square profile with a thickness of 14 gauge (2mm). If you have this profile for your chairs, they will fit perfectly since a chair was built and the end caps are very economical if you print them.I printed with PLA, PETG and Flexible and you can print it with any material but I suggest you print it in FLEXIBLE, because they can be removed and put back on. With the other materials it is difficult to remove the end caps.The measurements are in a photograph so you have an idea if it will work for your chairs.No supports requiredMaximum height 2 cm (20mm) and 1.2 cm from the edge 12mmParametersGeneral suggestions for flexibleQuality: 0.285 wallsTop and bottom: 5filling: 100speed: 30 mm/secNo support