Thank you for your message regarding the STL error on the left side of the model. I appreciate your feedback and your desire to ensure the optimal quality of the file.
I would like to inform you that the model was carefully checked before being uploaded to the site. However, I understand that you have identified an issue, and I am interested in investigating it further.
To help me verify the mentioned error, I would be grateful if you could provide more specific information:
In which exact part of the model did you notice the error?
What type of error did you encounter (e.g., non-manifold surfaces, holes in the mesh, inverted normals)?
What software did you use to detect this error?
Do you have a screenshot or a more detailed description of the problem?
These additional details will help me locate and verify the error in the original file. I am committed to ensuring the highest quality for our models and appreciate the opportunity to improve the file if necessary.
Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to receiving more information so I can address this issue efficiently.
Best regards,
Dinu Suciu