Wall clock 3D print model

Wall clock 3D print model 3D print model


This is only the frame for the wall clock, and you will need a clock engine (56mm by 56mm; exact dimensions are shown in the preview image). You need to print the following files:

Wall_clock_body => 1 piece

Wall_clock_handle => 8 pieces

Wall_clock_handle_3 => 1 piece

Wall_clock_handle_6 => 1 piece

Wall_clock_handle_9 => 1 piece

Wall_clock_handle_12 => 1 piece

No glue in needed and the parts slide into each other. The diameter of the clock after assembly is 28 cm


-You can use different color for each component.

-To have a different color for the numbers, you can add layer color change in your slicer.

-You can add patterns (e.g. honeycomb) to the main body as shown in the preview by defining mesh modifier in your slicer (PrusaSlicer has this option: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PVeh43Or-g&ab_channel=Prusa3DbyJosefPrusa ).

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Wall clock 3D print model
Royalty Free License 
Wall clock 3D print model
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (6 files)228 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-04-11
  • Model ID#2979011
  • Ready for 3D Printing