This is a fan art lithophane of the The Tale of the Three Brothers animation. It's a 1,4 m wide storyboard.
What you will need to create this:
Although usually there is already a double-sided tape under the led strip - when it gets warm, it bends and the adhesion is gone. Glue gun worked for me better and was easy to attach.
The cardboard is for the even light distribution. 7,45mm wide pieces can be put on the back of the frame. I used double sided tape for this.
The lithophane slips easily in the frame, to avoid big gaps between the parts, sanding the edges is recommended.
The printing is easy, no supports needed! The lithophanes should be printed with .15mm layer height, 4 perimeters, 15% infill with a bright or translucent material. The point with the perimeter is to avoid infill in the main parts.The frame can be printed with .35mm layer height and 40% infill might be a good thing to set.