The Festivus pole! A perfect home or office gag ornament... :)Rough dimensions: 5x 5 x 9" tall.
The base and sign are meant to look really nice, but the wood stand and the rules summary board are designed to look like a 12 year old hashed them together with their dad's scrap wood an nails.
I used eSun gray for the base, silver for the pole, and fire engine red for the knob on top. The which and black are also eSun. The Green is SunLu PLA+. The wood color parts are Overture PLA brown.
The models are supplied in individual parts, or semi-assembled, or combined into 2 big parts.
If you choose to screw it together, look for 2mm flat head screws on Amazon. They come in a package with a bunch of lengths. Or, just glue it all together with your favorite CA adhesive (ex/ Green Zap-a-Gap)
Happy Festivus! :)