Pirate ship wheel - to be used as a decorative itemEven relaxing to keep rotating it
-Size Pre-set - Total after assembly: 120mmWheel diameter: 100mmRemember to resize it as you need,you can resize as you prefer and as fits your needs.If you resize, resize all pieces proportionally
No support required / No Need to glue (but you can glue if you prefer it stronger)Easy to assembly
I used this settings printing in PLA:-Dynamic Quality: 0.20mm (use 0.12 if you prefer better details)-Printing Temperature: 220 - it was V-Silk-Build Plate Temperature: 70 -Speed: 35 mm/s -Build Plate Adhesion Type: NoneBut feel free to change and use the settings you prefer.
Didn't test it on a resin printer, or in ABS/PETG.
Other printers will use different settings, so follow what you are used to, just be aware that the higher the resolution, better the details.